March is here!

Language Arts
Students are continuing this nonfiction unit with exploring point of view. Students will read stories and identify the author's point of view. Then they will discern their point of view. Students will support their point of view with evidence from the story.

Students will read The Great Kapok Tree and decide on the main character's point of view and then other character's perspectives in the story. Finally students will be asked their opinion.

Social Studies
Students are studying the exploration of Christopher Columbus. They have read various excerpts from books and articles to gather facts about this explorer. Students are also noticing that different texts contain conflicting information and/or more information than other texts.

Students will write a journal entry as if they were Christopher Columbus. Then students will read the book, Encounter, and identify the point of view of the Taino Native Americans. Students will discuss their perspective with regard to the information they have read.

Students have started a new unit in math entitled Muffles Truffles. In this unit students will work on multiplication and division with arrays. They will stretch beyond the basic facts to larger numbers. Students will work with partners as they enter the world of Muffles Truffles and his delicious truffles by arranging boxes in various mathematical configurations.