May News

Language Arts

Students will start this unit comparing and contrasting poetry with narrative and informational texts. Once students have discussed this, students will identify the characteristics of poetry. Following this, students will distinguish that poems express feelings. Students will read many poems and identify the mood of the poems.
Baseball Stress
Oh, no!
I’m up at bat!
I think,
What if I get embarrassed!
Will I hit a grand slam?
The crowd is cheering,
It’s the end of the 9th
What am I going to do?
There’s only 30 seconds left!
Here goes the pitch,
Now I feel persistent,
I hit the ball,
A grand slam!
I run like the wind,
I feel like the road runner.
The outfielders can’t find the ball.
We won!
13-10, Stars ahead by 3!
I did it!
The crowd comes on the field.
Now we’re off to
A victory party!

Shadows creeping
In my closet
Under my bed
Shadows watching…
Watching every move I make
From behind the bookcase
And in the dusty dresser drawers
Shadows looking around the corner
Upon the stairway
Behind the rocking chair that creaks
when it rocks
Shadows staring
Staring through me
From next to the sofa
And staring through the keyhole in the
attic door
Shadows seeing
Seeing everything
Seeing that I am scared
Seeing that I hurry to get into the
Shadows following
Following me
Dancing up the walls
Chasing me across the ceiling
Never leaving…

Students will partake in writing a free verse poem after examining the components of a free verse poem. Then students will learn how to convert a narrative piece into a free verse poem.
I had to go the hospital in the
middle of the night for them to check my breathing. I was so scared, and so was
everyone else. But none of us said anything. We just sat there waiting for
I had to go to the hospital Hospital
in the middle of the night at midnight
for them to check my breathing.
having breathing problems.
I was so scared, Scared
to death.
and so was everyone else. Everyone else too.
But none of us said anything. Silence!
We all sat waiting for help. Patience and helpless



Students will learn about the life cycle of the Brassica plant. Students will learn the parts of a seed. Then they will plant a seed and observe the changes which will take place over a period of six weeks. Students will illustrate, explain in writing, measure and graph the growth of their plant.

The class still has so much more learning to do!