The Week of May 19

Language Arts

Students are continuing their study of poetry. The focus this week will be on distinguishing literal and figurative writing.
Students will listen to and read books about Amelia Bedelia. Amelia Bedelia interprets everything that is said to her literally. Students will examine phrases from books and decide the nonliteral meaning.
From this point, students will read poetry and discern figurative language. Students will review similes, metaphors and personification. As poetry is read, students will identify these various types of figurative language.
In conjunction with the reading of poetry, students will undertake writing a free verse poem. Free verse does not rhyme nor does it have a regular rhythm. The poet creates the rules and determines how the poem looks, sounds and what it means. Students will brainstorm ideas that they would like to write about and pick one idea before they undertake this assignment.

Social Studies

Students are studying about the history of South Windsor. They will travel to Old Main Street this week to view various historic sites, such as the Bissell Ferry Farm, the one room schoolhouse, and God's Acre Cemetery. Students have transferred their knowledge regarding the big ideas of Native Americans to the South Windsor colonists. These settlers had to use everything in their environment to survive and their lives were hard.

Bissell Ferry Farm
One Room Schoolhouse
Students finished the Muffles Truffles unit in math. The next unit focuses on the operations of addition and subtraction using 2 and 3 digit numbers. The students will use their understanding of the base ten structure to examine numbers to 1000.

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