January 20, 2014
Language Arts
This week students will continue their study of folktales and move into reading folktales relating to other countries.
Students will read Chinese Folktales. After the students identify the story elements, students will discuss the message of the story.

This text follows seven look-alike brothers with unique
powers, ranging from astute hearing to superhuman strength,
as they fight the powerful emperor, who exploits the hard
work of the peasants at the Great Wall of China. The
emperor tries to have the brothers killed, but the brothers'
powers overcome the powerful emperor. This folktale shows
how a family's talent and cooperation beat insurmountable
Below is the story created by students in a YouTube Video:
Students will also learn the six syllable types.
Math This Week
Students will use four interlocking cubes to form five different shapes. This will lead to understanding that area is measured in square units. Students will learn when measuring area the space being measured must be covered with no gaps or overlaps. Finally, students will use squares and triangles to make shapes with an area of four square units.

Students should be recording their observations of the moon in their moon journals to reinforce learning of the phases of the moon. Students have learned that the moon revolves around the earth and the earth revolves and rotates around the sun.Students should be reading nightly as well as practicing their basic math facts.

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