Week of January 27, 2014

Language Arts
In addition to reading folktales and identifying the message and lesson learned by the characters in the stories, the students will undertake a writing assignment. Students will write a narrative story which conveys a message or a lesson learned. Students will establish a situation and organize their writing to develop a sequence of events that shows a character's response to a situation in which the character learns a lesson. Students have read stories and will listen to stories which will be used as mentor texts. The following books are examples of mentor texts.

Now that students have learned about perimeter, students will explore the concept of area. They will use tiles to find the area of different shapes of rectangles. Then students will find both area and perimeter of shapes. Students will also trace their foot and find the area and perimeter of this shape.

This open-ended lesson will allow students to explore ways to measure their shoeprint after tracing it on paper. Ask your child what method they used to figure it out?

Social Studies
In social studies, students will undertake exploring the six themes of geography. Students will start by learning to read a map and identify the map features. Students will use their prior knowledge of nonfiction text features taught in the nonfiction language arts unit and transfer that knowledge to reading maps. Students will learn the importance of titles, legends, photographs, and graphs as they delve into the world of junior geographers.
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